20-Core Intel Core i7-14700KF Processor-Tray 28 threads and 20 cores (8 P-cores and 12 E-cores) Two fundamental microarchitectures are combined in a performance hybrid architecture. dividing and prioritizing tasks to maximize efficiency. Number of Processor: i7-14700KF Threads, Core, and Clock (3.4 GHz to 5.6 GHz) 20 cores and 28 threads 33 MB Cache Socket LGA1700 System Memory Specifications: Graphics for DDR4 3200 and DDR5 5600 Processors N/A Click Here for Additional Information. 20-Core Intel Core i7-14700KF Processor-Tray Intel's performance hybrid architecture 1 is still used by this new generation of processors to maximize your productivity, gaming, and content production. Benefit from platform innovation that offers flexibility and boost CPU performance with a robust set of overclocking and tuning tools. Backward compatibility with the Intel® 700 series chipsets and support for